Monday, July 16, 2007

New Season, New Rowers, New Beginning

We start the new season by welcoming a group of new rowers into our team.

I could hardly believe that the response to the recruitment drive was so good. A total of 20 newbies turned up (2 could not make it last minute). Even as late as Saturday, I was getting enquiries and I had to turn them away.

However, in dragon boating, attrition among newbies is always high. I would be happy if half of them like the sport enough to continue through the Regatta at the end of the year.

We have not grown beyond one big boat before. Now that we have two boats training together, there will be new challenges in managing the team.

I make no pretense that the team would change, with the infusion of new personalities and dynamics. We'll all have to navigate this together as a team -- the old birds together with the newbies.

Unlike some time ago, when most people take a hands off attitude, there is now a good sense of enthusiasm among everyone. And people are starting to contribute their efforts to make the team work.

I am sure we will emerge a stronger team: not only in terms of performance at the race, but hopefully in character as well.

It's a new beginning for all of us. We aim for a good performance at the Regatta.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

1min 37 on average for 300m with 15 rowers... kekeke